The embodiment of all art converges at Rann - Luxurionworld

The embodiment of all art converges at Rann

Kutch is not part of the usual tourist trail. Its spectacular views, with the amazing sea of white sand stretching endlessly, beyond the horizons, are what keep you enraptured, to the core. The breathtaking escapade of the Rann of Kutch becomes all the more alluring in the winters when the beauty reaches it’s paramount and also by the cultural celebration of the Rann of Kutch festival.

The Gujarat government has successfully showcased the festival for a few years now and with every passing year, it gains momentum with enthusiastic tourists wanting to be a part of it. The visitors stay in the tented camp and resorts that border the great White Rann. The Rann of Kutch festival is a once-in-a-lifetime experience with captivating views you cannot find anywhere else in the world.

The White Salt Desert, the startling white landscape and the magic of Gujarat, all lures you to the festival with open arms.
When we talk about the vibrant culture of Gujarat, the thing you will always notice is the multicolor hues that are a favorite with them. Whether it is their bright multicolour turban, their dress style, their jootis or even the camel hump cloth, they are all a riot of colours that entrances all in its appealing vibrancy. The detailed embroidery and decorations are displayed everywhere. The local artists practice traditional Indian arts like rabaro embroidery, Rogan art and the distinctive mirror work that kutch is known for.

Another unique style of textile inherent in the Kutch area is the block printing Ajrakh style. Dating back to the times of Mohenjo-Daro, the tradition still prevails centuries later and is viewed as one of the exquisite forms of textiles. Ajrakhs are patterned in intense colors predominantly rich crimson and deep indigo with some white and black used sparingly to give definition to the geometric symmetry in design. The ajrakh pattern is held in high esteem, with the tradition of gifting to esteemed guests attached to it. The fact that they are made with natural dyes like indigo and vegetable matter also makes it organic wear that is eco-friendly as well.
If you get a chance to visit Kutch during the Rann of Kutch festival, we are sure you will be back with loads of beautiful memories and bags of vibrant local textiles. In case you are not able to make it, we at Luxurion World can make it slightly better for you by offering the same shopping stuff here. Shop for exclusive ajrakh, authentic mirror work apparels, or embroidered one at Luxurion World to get a feel of the net culture of Kutch. Bring home a little of the ‘Rann of Kutch’ to last for a lifetime of pride and pleasure.

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